Idea Free Internet with UDP Working Trick

Published on: Tuesday, 4 August 2015
Idea Free Internet August 2015 Working Fine

In my last provided information how to use free internet in Airtel sim with vpn software by using tcp connecting method. In this post I am going to share how you can use free internet in Idea sim with the use of vpn softwares. Best part of this trick is that it will work in both 2g and 3g. You can also use this trick in PC.

Features of this trick

1. Unlimited 3G internet for free
2. Works in 2g and 3g networks
3. Can use internet at 0 balance
4. No proxy required

Requirements to use free internet in Idea Sim

1. Idea Sim 3G enabled
2. Android mobile
3. VPN Software

Steps to use UDP trick for free internet in Idea

1. First of All download any VPN software in your mobile(droid vpn)
2. Use internet apn as default apn
3. You need an account on droid vpn website(its free)
4. Connect to internet
5. Now open the vpn app
6. Select connect using UPD
7. Set UDP port as 9200 or 9201
8. You are done with this...

Enjoy free internet in Idea sim. Share with your friends and relatives.

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