Everyone has his own fantasies and thinking to get a great idea into success, but how to put it into writing, it is a task where normally many individuals go flat or they want to be a writer but tire out in the middle or just leave out even before starting. There are many writers who too have found success over their publishing, who loved and were born to write, while there were others who while working other jobs gained the experience what assisted them in their story.
So here is the summarily guidance from the people who started as writers or got themselves converted to writers;
The Fictional-Fantasy King _ Stephen King with over 50 books named to him says that writers have to be well read, if you don’t read, you can’t be a writer. He says people want to be writer but do not have time to read. So you have to read just about everything while you also have to write in order to develop your own style.
John Grisham, the former lawyer known for writing stories on legal thrillers, says that people should find other careers instead of going the writer path first. He says before you can be a writer you need experience in some things, see the world, go through love, heartbreak, and so on, as then you would have something to say. Also you need to have something to depend on, if thinking of starting as a writer. After you are secured in life and have a normal paycheck, then you can think about becoming a serious writer. Initially you have to treat writing as a hobby, says Grisham and that you have to write a page everyday in your spare time. Although Grisham had a full time job, he created spare time to write and advices to the budding writers that if they’re not writing a page a day, then nothing is going to happen. But if they write everyday then it becomes a habit, and before they realize long, they have enough pages piled up to become a story.
J.K. Rowling, the Harry Potter inventor who took five years developing and creating every last detail of the Harry Potter world, says that one has to write in spare moments here and there. It is easy to imagine successful writers writing all day, but everybody has to start somewhere, she adds. Rowling says that in order to let people know who you want to be recognized as, your story reflects who you are, so make sure you love what you write.
Mark Twain says that if you want to be a writer, then your reason for being a writer should always be your love to write. If you are in for the money then you will wind up sorely disappointed.